Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Brenda's Baby Shower

Sunday, we had a baby shower. My sister Deena's son Toby & his wife Brenda are expecting their baby boy in a few weeks. With absolutely no pre-planning -- my two sisters and I showed up WEARING ZEBRA STRIPES. What are the chances? Here's me, Ronda and Deena holding the Hey Rita tote.

We are DELIGHTED that the next generation is keeping us so busy with the baby showers. In the next picture, we have Becky (her two little girls, Avery & Madeline -- are in the hot pink shirts) Then Brenda (guest of honor, holding the Hey Rita tote -- due in November). My Emily (Elliott's wife) with the great brown boots, and my niece Kelcy on the end (Deena's daughter). Kelcy is also pregnant -- due in December. She's holding our Lillian -- who looks GREAT IN A HAT.

Just in case you don't believe me...

We had a GREAT TURNOUT -- and Brenda & Toby are super excited about their new baby boy. We ate: chicken and spaghetti casseroles, Deena's homemade rolls and the family favorite -- green salad. (which is actually cream cheese layers, cool whip and pistachio pudding. The fact that we call this a SALAD could explain why I have a weight problem). Oh yeah -- for dessert -- carrot cake, cream puffs AND pear cobbler. Good job, girls! I'm telling you -- WE PUT ON A TERRIFIC FEED. lol. After these many years of practice, family special events, etc -- we can bang out a wonderful meal for a huge crowd and make it look pretty easy.

Brenda got many wonderful gifts -- but the BIG HITS -- OF COURSE -- were the one's people SEWED for the baby. In this family, the real gift is all about WHAT YOU MADE for the new baby. I mean -- anybody can go shopping, right? If I can get the pictures off my camera -- I'll show you who made what for little Clayton Frederick (so far!).

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