Tuesday, August 24, 2021

John's Happy Birthday

John's birthday was last Sunday. He must have asked me 20 times how old he was...and every time I told him "77"  he was shocked.
It was a beautiful day, so I kicked off his birthday with breakfast on the porch -- his current favorite food -- blueberry pancakes!
For lunch, Calvin and Jeanne brought him an ice cream Birthday Cake from Dairy Queen!!
John was DELIGHTED with his special birthday cake!
For supper, we went to a Mo Brady's restaurant -- which is a step up from our usual diner joints.
Wherever we went, John kept telling people it was his birthday. (And then he would ask me to tell them how old he was.) I'm GLAD he told the waitress at Mo Brady's -- because she brought him a wonderful dessert! Caramel bread pudding with cinnamon ice cream. He was SO HAPPY...


When he told the waitress it was his birthday, he wanted her to guess how old he is. She said, "49?"...He has retold that story at least 6 times...

I left her a $20 tip...


  1. Happy Birthday to John! And a happy day for you too!

  2. Happy birthday to John! Sounds like it was a good day all around!!
