At the Rock Creek Marina, they offer boat rides on the Mississippi River every Thursday night. Although you must sign up in advance, the one-hour guided river tour is completely free.
I learned about the boat tours in April -- you can see the pontoon boat in the right corner of this picture. |
The boat seats 32 people, and it's called the Blue Heron. On the day Ronda and I took Memphis and Lilly to the Marina for lunch. (Good Friday). |
I wanted to take Pat on the ride when she was here -- but it was already booked until June 18. So, I signed up for two adults and two kids. (not really knowing who would go with me)
On June 18, Warren decided he was NOT ready to be a he went home with Emily. |
But Lily and I were excited about the boat ride -- and my friend Bert came along. |
This is what the new building looks like -- from the middle of Hanson's Slew -- we were headed out... |
Once we got out into the main channel -- we got very close to the Cordova Nuclear plant. |
Our Captain took us past this tower -- where the turkey vultures perch every night. There are three other towers visible, but with NO birds. Funny, eh? |
When appropriate, the Captain gave us a little thrill...and went really fast -- spraying us with cool water. AWESOME |
But, in the main channel, when passing the big barges -- he drove slow...(do they call it driving?) |
The three of us had SUCH A GREAT TIME. I still can't believe the Rock Creek Marina (ten minutes from my house) has always been there and I never knew a thing about it.
You may not have a free boat ride on the Mississippi River out your back door -- but I'll bet there's lots of fun summer stuff going on where YOU LIVE.
Be sure to check out your county parks websites...
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