Friday, January 29, 2021

You are welcome, Jeff...

OF COURSE the pandemic has changed the way we live. And who cares? JEFF BEZOS, of course!! I'm pretty sure my new 2020 Amazon habit bought him a car...or, at least, a fancy new bicycle...

Yesterday, it was a surprise to EVEN ME when I discovered three different AMAZON packages in my mailbox.

I swear -- I couldn't even tell you what I ordered!

I opened the three packages to find THIS treasure...
First off -- these wonderful, hard-to-find EXTRA long bandaids.
I broke my toe two weeks ago...and the only cure is to tape the broken toe next to his unbroken buddy. My toe has mended nicely -- but I used my last EXTRA long bandaid. It's a handy thing to have in your medicine cabinet.
Two blue sponge paint applicators -- for my buffet project...(I've encountered some glitches)
And two "chain mail" pot scrubbers.  To clean my cast iron frying pan.
THANKS, Nancy -- you are SO RIGHT..!!

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