Friday, February 28, 2020

ILW Sweater Coat: Missing Sleeve

I will always think of this as my "I Love Work" coat.
If you look carefully, you can see me trying on the coat...with one sleeve done...another missing...
AND, in the background of that awful mirror-pic -- you get an idea about WHAT A HORRIBLE MESS my basement is. Ugh...
I had the sleeves off a black patterned fleece top (44 cents) -- and I made the sleeves twice as wide...
I was delighted to be able to retain the interesting faux-leather detailing...
BUT THEN, IT WAS LATE AT NIGHT, AND I COULD NOT FIND THE OTHER SLEEVE. Ugh. I was sure it was over by the ironing board...nope....or, on a pile near the serger...nope....maybe it got buried again on the top of the pool table...nope. On the folding table near the washing machine?



YES, CARRIE!!  VICTORY....I showed her what I was looking for -- and she found it in a nano-second!!
Several days later, I premiered the jacket for Lilly at her big Figge Art event!
And, of course, it was my Sew-n-share at TMBC!!

1 comment:

  1. You are Amazing, your Franken-sewing tickles me. I am so bad at even simple alterations. I got a t shirt that I love it was too big. Especially the shoulder width. I did EXACTLY what Sis showed me to do (She does her own alterations successfully and often.) YEP, it is now TOO SMALL to wear. :( I am holding on to it as I intend to lose enough weight to wear it SOMEDAY.
