Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Yes. A Ukulele Concert...this is happening...

 Of course, this blog has become ALL ABOUT the TREASURES that will be sold at the Art of Homemaking Auction. But that isn't the only thing that's happening! Yesterday, my friend Linda P. texted this message, "if you're looking for something to do today, there's a ukulele concert at the bandshell at 11:30..."

Seriously. Did she really say A ukulele concert?

John was having a restless morning...we are in the middle of a heat wave and he insists on riding his mower in the hay field...for hours....

So, I decided a ukulele concert was JUST THE THING...!!

Who knew there were that many people in the State of Iowa who could play the ukulele?
I thought they were amazing....and they played ALL THE MUSIC FROM THE 60's...Chuck Barry, Linda Ronstadt, the Beach Boys...It was like I knew every word!!
THANKS, Linda, for the great entertainment idea!!


John didn't want to go....but, as he was visiting with Don, and listening to familiar music, his mood improved. For myself, sitting there -- just a few blocks away from our new home -- I had this peaceful, contented feeling.

We're going to be okay.

Now -- I'M GONNA try to post a video...




  1. Oh, what fun, Rita! And the added benefit that John's mood improved. And, yes, the video worked fine!! So glad you had this happy time during your day. Prayers continue.
