Thursday, July 22, 2021

YES to Facebook!!

 Okay -- I DID manage to set up a Facebook page for the Art of Homemaking Auction

That's the good news.  I am currently uploading a bunch of pictures...

The BAD news is that I cannot figure out how to make the posts "shareable"...ugh...

When I hit the share button -- it will only let me share to the group pages I am administrator for.  (a defunct fund-raising page, the Ya Ya page -- where NOBODY GOES)...

So -- Laura -- what am I doing wrong?

Anyway -- as this thing is starting to take off -- and as the archaeological "Basement DIG" moves along -- I keep discovering more and more treasure...

At least 30 embroidered samplers.

A VHS tape of my niece's wedding (1996).  I told her she can only have it if she takes my piano....

I have ironed over 50 aprons...and they are hanging in three rooms of my house.



  1. Probably has to do with settings. Jim suggested copying the Auction page's address in the address bar, then pasting it in a message on your personal page.

  2. You have been busy, girl!!

    I wish I had a piano; when I am going to play for church, I have to go over there to practice. Oh, well...maybe some day...if my living room grows a bit! LOL Maybe a keyboard...

    I saw your FB auction page and have liked it, so it should show up on my page, then all My friends will see it....
