But the other day, when I was complaining about NOT being able to walk because my treadmill died, she said, easy as you please, "well -- you could go outside and walk, Rita."
I'll be dipped. What's up with that?
I looked at her as though she suggested I launch the space shuttle from my roof.
Walk outside? In this Iowa summer weather? On real grass, loose gravel, unlevel ground?
Taking a closer look at my friend Sandy, I wondered if she was one of those radical free-thinking. vegetarian-health-food-commie-subversive-types?
Hummm....could I do it?
Actually walk OUTSIDE?
How will I know when I've walked a distance of 2.22 miles @ 4.0 mph??
It's like a big I DARE YOU....
I'll pretend I'm a pioneer woman, walking behind my covered wagon across the prairie...
This must be what the Wright brothers felt like...
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