I live in Iowa. We ARE sweetcorn. There isn't anything in the world more delicious than a big platter of hot sweetcorn...

My brother, Calvin, lives just up the road -- and I invite him for dinner once a year. For his birthday. We eat sweetcorn...

Well -- we also had some very nice porterhouse steaks. But, really, it was all about the delicious sweetcorn...There were three people sitting at the table. And we each had our own stick of real butter...

Because that's how we "roll"...

OH MY GOODNESS...such a treat.
In my area, sweetcorn is $4 a dozen. When I spent the day in Cedar Rapids, Anne made sweetcorn for supper -- and I discovered it's $6/dozen in her area.
Once again...I am grateful to be living where I live. Everybody should move to Scott county, Iowa -- just for the $4 sweetcorn!!
Envy you the sweet corn & tomatoes. Sweet corn here is 69cents an ear. But we have fresh salmon, halibut, crab & shrimp. Guess there are trade offs wherever you live :) Enjoy a piece or two of corn for me & I'll eat some crab for you.