After the excitement of our all-star-girl-concert...(Janis Joplin, Carley Simon, Carole King and Joan Baez) -- Ally, Lexi and I were hungry.

So, to stick with our 60's theme -- I took them the 24-hour joint that was MY FAVORITE SPOT way back then...C'mon, Jackie -- YOU WERE THERE WITH ME at 3:00 AM....

This joint also happens to be the place where Grandma Deborah had her VERY FIRST JOB...

We talked about a lot of different things...I am sure they were fascinated with my version of 1960's was so much fun to have a conversation with these two young women. To hear their opinions, to learn about their taste in books and music.
During our time together, I kept thinking about a conversation I had with my friend Marion. (She has THREE granddaughters)...about how we (women) are our most genuine selves when we are this age. Right BEFORE we start trying to please boys...
Ally and Lexi helped me eat a Magic Mountain. That's a thick slice of Texas Toast, topped with loose meat hamburger, lots of french fries, and two cups of melted cheese. YES, IT IS MAGIC... INSTANT CELLULITE...

Ally took this great picture -- the glass is etched, "Home of the Magic Mountain" it ringing a bell yet? This restaurant was recently in the news...any guesses? Another famous person recently chowed down on his own Magic Mountain...

That's right!! It's Ross's Restaurant in Bettendorf, Iowa. Preident Barack Obama was in town to visit Alcoa -- and made a surprise visit to Ross's. They did NOT know he was coming...

Hey -- if it's good enough for the President of the United States -- the leader of the free world -- well then, I guess it's good enough for me and my girls...
Click on this
LINK -- if you'd like to read about how and why President Obama ended up eating a Magic my favorite blast-from-the-past-24-hour-JOINT...and what the aftermath has been!!
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