Friday, February 19, 2021


So, my great DOWNSIZE begins. Ugh. I am SOOO looking forward to moving to the Co Op. But I am SOOO not looking forward to the actual move.

GOING THROUGH ALL MY STUFF?? This really is an overwhelming job...

I decided to take the excellent advice of Anne Lamott -- and I will tackle this job...Bird by Bird...

Or, in my case -- drawer by drawer...


And I am shocked by how easy it has been for me to pack up YEARS worth of collecting...!!

After Christmas, knowing we wouldn't be in this house next year -- I took BAGS AND BOXES of Christmas decorations to the Goodwill Store.  Which means I have a huge area in the basement which I can now use to "stage"...things that will go to the eventual auction.

So, now, every day, when I open a junk drawer, or get a pot out of the cupboard -- I assess what's in the drawer or the cupboard -- and I pack up a box. I label it, and stack it in the staging area...

The surprising thing is how much I am enjoying looking at ALL MY STUFF...and I am ready to let go of it...

This Wedgewood set of Peter Rabbit dishes lived in my vintage buffet for about 30 years...untouched...

It was a gift to Ross from a woman I worked with. In 1977. I can't remember her name -- and Ross never saw these dishes.  Yep.  Time for them to find a new home.

I love this trusty old waffle maker...but I've decided to part with the TWO others.

Nobody needs 8 cupcake tins or a dozen cookie sheets.

I packed up tupperware, roasting pans, heavy Dutch Ovens...sooo many things I seldom (or NEVER) use.

I collected embroidered samplers for many years...

But I've decided to take only SIX...

I've packed up many boxes of books -- and I considered each and every book before I carefully placed it in the box....but I'm ready to let them go. And that's the way I'm feeling about so many things. 

After packing stuff every day for a couple of weeks, my cousin Jackie said, "are you seeing a difference in the house?"....

I  laughed and said..."so far, it's like removing a teaspoon of water from the Atlantic Ocean.."

But I am determined.  And I can do this...bird by bird...drawer by by book...

And -- like I said -- I'VE GOT THE TIME...!!


  1. Way to go Rita. I really need to start doing that here. Not planning to move soon, but it will be easier when we do if I start NOW!

  2. That's the spirit! As it's Lent, we are doing our 'give one thing a day to charity for Lent'. That will mean 80 things total by Easter.
