Saturday, December 28, 2019

TMBC LP Christmas Breakfast

Another wonderful thing about Christmas? BREAKFAST AT LINDA P'S HOUSE...
Of course, she had her home decorated for the occasion...
Complete with a REVOLVING TREE...which I've gotta say, really puts you in the holiday spirit!!
LP sets the MOST INCREDIBLE TABLE. Bright red chargers, with candles and centerpieces, a table runner...
And, of course, to go with that Martha Stewart level of decorating, she also happens to be an excellent cook
Breakfast enchiladas with breakfast potatoes...and a sour cream coffee cake for dessert.
We also had a little impromptu gift-exchange....and that is always fun. But certainly not a requirement...

The thing about TMBC is that we get together e.v.e.r.y...s.i.n.g.l.e...T.u.e.s.d.a.y...and I LOVE THAT. We can be fancy, or we can be funky...I love our Sew and Shares, our Library sewing days, our weekly "downloads", or occasional day trips...

One week can be QUITE DIFFERENT from the next -- depending on how the spirit moves us...

But, no matter where we meet or what we do -- it is the BEST day of the week...and I am grateful.

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