Friday, August 3, 2012

The Today Show and the OIympics

HOORAY GABBY DOUGLAS..!! Who trained in Des Moines, Iowa. Yes, we are very proud...wasn't she TERRIFIC?? But it's taken me a whole week to 'get into" the Olympics this time around...

And I SHOULD be loving it. After all -- my day starts with the TODAY show. That is my happy habit. Every morning, I get out of bed, I make my first pot of coffee, turn on the TODAY show and power up my laptop.

One of my best lifetime moments was our "sisters trip" to New York City, and every day I look at a picture of the five of us, standing on the fence at the TODAY show. On the rare occasions when I visit New York City -- I MAKE MY MATES get up at 4:30 AM and go TO THE TODAY SHOW...

This is a picture I took, at that spot, when Deborah took ALL HER GIRLS to New York City!

Every morning, when I'm watching the Today show, sitting in my Iowa living room, I watch the Today Show and feel like I know that place and these are my people...

When Ann Sagawa and I were in New York City -- I MADE HER GET UP EARLY, and sure enough -- there we are -- on the fence....

So -- with NBC covering the Olympics -- I should be totally hooked, right? That's what usually happens with me. I love watching the swimmers, and the gymnastic competitions...

But I'm just not that into it this year. And I didn't know what the problem was.

Then, one day, Val called and she left this message, "Which one is Savannah and which one is Natalie? I can't tell them apart."

NO KIDDING. These two women could be twins. Apparently, Savannah is the tall one. My friend Sandy suggested I think "ST" -- Savannah Tall.

How can that possibly help me??

Apparently, firing Ann Curry didn't help the ratings. BECAUSE THESE TWO WOMEN LOOK TOO MUCH ALIKE.

Hire a blonde, people!! At least make one of them bleach her hair...

Or -- better yet -- just call Katie Couric. Apparently, she's available...

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