Gheesh...sorry there wasn't a new post yesterday. I do try to post every day except Sunday. BUT -- Lilly was here for a couple of days -- and I'm telling you -- I AM TOO OLD AND TOO FAT to be totally in charge of a two-year old!! Anyway -- I didn't even turn on this computer for three days. I am sorry...
Here's the post I THOUGHT was going up yesterday...
On Friday night, July 1, Mary and I were presenting our program at the QSC in Reno, Nevada. Here we are with Vickie Hundert, the producer of the Quilting, Stitches and Craft shows.

It was a great audience...they enjoyed some wine and cheese before the show started..

In the future -- this may be a new requirement. Think about it. What if EVERY AUDIENCE got a little tipsy right before we started to Ya Ya..??

Kaye Wood introduced us -- and she also brought up Vi -- who was having her birthday on that day. If you're reading this blog, Vi -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN. I hope you won big at the Blackjack tables that night...

AND HERE'S OUR SPECIAL GUEST. Karen actually reads this blog!! So I gave her a job. she took some GREAT PICTURES of our Reno Ya Ya event. This pic of the three of us is one of my favorites.

We have a lot in common. Our husbands are both smokers. (meat, not Marlboros)...more about that in a later post!!
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