It seems like just yesterday, you were a newborn baby yourself. And now you are the mother of TWO. Mason and the newborn Myla. Your baby is working hard to earn the title of "fussiest baby in the family"...
One day, you'll look back on this little video and laugh. Hopefully...
As the "mother of Elliott" -- I have given you the best advice I can. Which is that you need to understand YOUR GOALS HAVE CHANGED. Moms think their goal is to get the baby to STOP CRYING.
But, with a really fussy baby, that's not a lofty enough goal, Kelcy. With a really, really cranky baby -- there is a NEW GOAL.
Which is to keep YOURSELF FROM CRYING...
Sometimes, that means you must calmly move away from the crying baby...
She'll be fine. One day soon, the crying will stop. In the blink of an eye, you'll turn around and she'll be a beautiful, well-adjusted, conversational, thinking young woman....
And I'm already looking forward to our "girls' trip" to NEW YORK CITY!!!
Oh gosh I miss that sound of a new baby in the house!! -- mother of K, fussiest baby of my family in 1972, and gramma of E, fussiest baby of my family in 2001...