When asked if she wanted to take her nap "No, Grandma. No, No, No, No..."
When her father "tooted" as he walked through the room (his signature move to show affection) -- she said, while waving her hand in front of her face "Daddy -- GO AWAY."
It suddenly struck me that this is what being human is all about. Language. The ability to actually communicate your wishes...

Lillian has this quiet little breathy voice...but every syllable is suddenly clear and understandable. Besides Mommy and Daddy -- she had names for lots of people. Grandpa, Grandma, Noona, PopPop. She also says, "hungry"...."ice"... "Sophie"..."Grandpa"..."outside"...
And the sentences are coming fast and furious..."Cartoons, Grandma. Please?" "Daddy -- poop in the potty." "Sophie, follow me." It is SO ADORABLE...
One day, I had both Lilly and her much younger friend, Braden. Braden repeated the same baby gibberish three times...it sounded like, "gobblely-gook dee see lo PIE!" The three of us were sitting on the floor. Lilly looked at him, then at me. Because she so recently entered the world of language -- I figured she would understand Braden's baby talk. I said, "What did he say, Lillian?" She looked at me and said, very slowly, "gobblely-gook dee see lo PIE!". Then, she held both her hands, palms up, and shrugged her shoulders...
So much for having a translator...
My favorite words...as she is getting into her new little bed one night, she gave me a big bear hug and said, "Me happy, Grandma."
Me, too, Lillian. Me, too...

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