I FORGOT to post these pictures of Lillian's room once it was "complete". I love the way the fabric wall turned out. Bits and pieces I pasted up, using fabric starch...Lillian was quite content in the Pack 'N Play for the first two years...

It's a small room. On the opposite wall, there is a twin bed. The plaid bedskirt is from the very first bedspread I bought for our house in Pine Grove Pennsylvania. In 1973. wow...
The black & white tile on the floor is a project my cousin Jackie helped me make. It's a simple 4'x8' sheet of masonite. We put on black & white peel 'n stick tiles. It was so I'd have a hard surface for my roller chair (when this room was my office)...

There is always a little rack of "clothes" when Lilly comes to visit.

Coming into the room -- a wall of oddities. Most of them are clocks.

This little room has come full circle. When we moved into this house, in July 1981 -- it was Elliott's nursery. After he moved upstairs, it became my sewing room. When I opened my fabric store, and we bought a "computer" -- the little room became a shared office. (yes, John and I shared something). When Ross moved out, John took over that large upstairs bedroom for his office -- and I turned this little room back into a sewing/embroidery room. Then, Lillian came along and it turned BACK INTO A NURSERY...
AND -- even as I'm writing this post -- it has already undergone another big change. No more Pack 'n play for Lillian. She's moving into her own little bed...and I'm changing it up to appeal to her DINOSAUR phase...
Pictures to follow...
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