Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Party Gift Highlights

It would be really hard for me to say what my FAVORITE thing was about my surprise party. But, the GIFTS would have to be right at the top of my list.
My 91-yo Aunt Adda gave me a tablecloth she embroidered for me!!
Sandy gave me a project bag -- WITH A PROJECT INSIDE. (see what she did there?)...
Jackie gave me the perfect set of mugs for my new house...(with fresh flowers, they served as the centerpieces)
Jackie also gave me the perfect Singer Sewing Machine jigsaw puzzle.
Linda P., gave me a quilted wall hanging (see the perfect colors?)
My young friend Anne -- who came all the way from Cedar Rapids -- gave me a beautifully wrapped EMPTY BOX...and we could not stop laughing...


Of course, everybody in that room knows how hard I'm working to GET RID OF STUFF right now...preparing for our move into town. So, an empty box was the perfect thing... 

Anne was also responsible for the entertainment portion of the party...and THAT was a hoot!!

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