Thursday, April 1, 2021

My Party Entertainment!!

So,  AS IF the surprise party, with all the wonderful food and good friends wasn't enough -- this crew actually had ENTERTAINMENT...

Put together by "my young friend Anne"

When I saw Anne preparing a projector --  and a screen -- I thought this would be one of those "This is your life" presentations.  Which might be entertaining for me -- but it could be boring for everybody else -- kinda like watching vacation slides...


Hello, I’m Rita’s friend Anne. I live in Cedar Rapids with my husband and our 18 year old twins, Sam and Sarah. Although I live in Cedar Rapids, I’m kind of a Scott County girl. My mom lived in the house next door to this church until she was 5, and her first cousins are Lloyd Clausen and Loraine Mickelson. It’s always good to be back here.

 Deena and I have been emailing and she asked me about a little entertainment for the party. I happened to have the framework for a presentation already, so here we go. It’s a celebration of how much we all love Rita, some trivia fun, and a little demonstration of what a busy body I am. Keep in mind, I’m not really a professional busy body, and I’m afraid that I have probably left out important people or got the real story wrong. I’ll need your help to get through this, so just shout out any helpful information or feel free to add in extra stories.

THEN -- she proceeded to do a presentation that included every single person in the room....!!  AND , she had pictures of the person (from my blog) -- and something I'd written about them (on this blog)...


I can't figure out how to put a PowerPoint presentation on this blog -- but here's an example...for my sister Deena, she picked this photo, and something I wrote about Deena in 2017...for her Christmas b'day...

“My thoughts usually go something like this, "Oh, crap, I forgot to buy Deena a birthday present. Again..." Deena is a wonderful mother and grandmother -- always there when her kids or grandchildren need her. And, of course, it goes without saying that she is the BEST SISTER…”

My friend Val Brekke had a slide...

Rhonda Pierce

Mary Mulari


Anne did such a wonderful job. She prepared the slide show, and even had trivia questions -- all from this blog!!  THEN -- she enlisted Lilly and Kelcy's daughter Myla to be her assistants.  They handed out Hershey kisses for correct answers (everybody let Warren win)...


IT WAS BRILLIANT...and I was sooo delighted that everybody in the room who came to my surprise party got to have their own little blog moment... 

Except for one special person who was inadvertently left out....

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