Thursday, April 8, 2021

2021 Easter Report

I knew this would be our last Easter in this house. That's heartbreaking...or bittersweet...sad any way you look at it.  But I decided this was one of those pivotal moments -- you know the ones -- where you MAKE THE BEST of the situation. Instead of being sad about the changes coming down the pike...I wanted to celebrate what is good in my world right this minute.

And, of course, the biggest joy in my life is Lilly and Warren. And they LOVE a good scavenger hunt. 

I started doing Easter Scavenger Hunts for Ross and Elliott when they were growing up....and I wanted this year to be memorable. Warren had ten stations...with rhymes for clues...and he RIPPED through his hunt. 

The day before Easter -- the kids came to do Easter crafts.....Warren tried the color-your-eggs-using-shaving cream.  EPIC FAIL...

I had a dozen boiled eggs for each of them...and they experimented with various methods...

I spent six hours putting their scavenger hunts together.  Lilly (who is 12 going on 30) is almost too cool for a scavenger I decided to make hers a bit more challenging...

Do you know how difficult it is to come up with ten actual riddles?? Oh, yes -- I CRACK MYSELF UP...

Here are the answers...(Laura got them all right)...

  1. Toilet paper
  2. Hanger
  3. Phone or doorbell
  4. Chair
  5. Clock
  6. Rug
  7. Towel
  8. Microwave
  9. bath/shower
  10. Printer

I had the clues all written up, and ten little Easter wrapped packages. Lilly laid out Warren's hunt...(they got here early -- so he did his before we ate).

It was 75 degrees -- so we had our first official Porch Party...A huge baked ham with pineapple and glaze, potato salad, Jeanne's green salad, homemade rolls and coconut custard pie...

After we ate -- Warren and his Mom set up Lilly's treasure hunt...

Honestly -- both kids ripped through their 10 clues in minutes. At each station, Warren found his wrapped Easter gift -- dropped it on the ground as he ran off to solve the next clue...He didn't even bother to unwrap his gifts.

And, when he realized Lilly's was RIDDLES -- he said, "I WANT RIDDLES, TOO, GRANDMA..."

Not this year, kid...not this year...

1 comment:

  1. Just think, next year they'll have a new place to find their goodies. That will make it harder, as they are used to this house.
