Saturday, January 5, 2019

2019 Governing Values

I wrote this blog a coupla years ago...and recently, Laurie emailed me to ask if I'd send it to her.  I was thrilled that somebody remembered it!!

So, at the very beginning of another seems like a good time to review...



There are two kinds of people.  Those who always make New Year's Resolutions...and those who never do.

I fall into the latter group. For one thing, resolutions seem to be about wishing for change...and setting myself up for failure.... Maybe I'm lazy. Or smug. But I like my you won't hear any New Year's Resolutions from me.

BUT, I would like to share my Governing Values. THIS is a concept I completely embrace.

In 1996, my friend Val introduced me to the Franklin Planner. Remember that workshop? It was life-altering for me.

That was a very busy time in my life, trying to run a business with two boys still living at home. There were many days (and weeks, and months) when I felt like I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off. SO MUCH WORK, SO MANY OBLIGATIONS...and I always felt guilty. If I was home, I wished I was at work, and vice versa...

The KEY to my life was learning how to prioritize, and focus my energy on doing the things that REALLY MATTERED. This concept changed my life. The road-map for this change was to establish my own, personal "Governing Values."

This list has guided me for over 20 years.  I used to carry a little printed version in my billfold.  It would be like a surprise I'd rediscover every so often.  After all these years, I don't need the reminder.  But, every January...I go back and read what I wrote in 1996...

  1. I love my family and I spend time with them. I will show John he comes first, not last... 
  2. I am kind. Every single day, I will do at least one unheralded good deed. 
  3. I have a positive attitude. I try to see the upside in every situation... 
  4. I am honest and direct. I will be scrupulous in my dealings with people. 
  5. I am enthusiastic. No matter what I’m involved in, I will bring 100% of my energy. 
  6. I enjoy a good sense of humor – both mine and other people’s. I look for the humor in every situation. 
  7. I treasure my friends. Each day, I will contact one friend or do one thing to enhance a relationship with somebody I care about. 
  8. I try to see the other person’s point of view. If I do not agree, I will be a good listener. Nobody ever learned anything by talking. 
  9. I am generous. I give what I can, when I can, expecting nothing in return, and never keeping track. 
  10. I am a writer. I write every day. 


So -- here's your challenge for 2019.  What are YOUR governing values?  Every value starts with the word "I"...a VALUE you hold dear.  The second part is the ACTION that will support that value.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool governing values! Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to read them! I enjoyed it! Have a great weekend!! :-) :-)
