Monday, September 8, 2014

From Iowa to North Carolina

On my VERY LONG LIST of joyful everyday things I love to do -- hanging my sheets out on the line has got to be at the very top. You have seen many pictures of my clothesline -- and the sheets hanging there.

These particular sheets were among the batch that got sent to the North Carolina beach house...
I wanted them to soak up that Iowa sunshine...
And I picked my most beautiful sheets....
With hand-embroidery
I'm pretty sure this particular set had never been used...
THANK YOU, Jackie, for texting pictures of the day you put the sheets on the beds. Although the problem, once again, my smart phone hard as I tried, I could not email those pictures to myself...or download them from the phone to my laptop. Ugh.

Finally, in desperation, I posted this picture to Facebook. THEN, and only then, was I able to save it so I could use it in this blog post. (so sad...I am too dumb to own a smart phone...I admit it. Time to give up. It really is not a good use of my time....)
Jackie's husband, Tom and Linda's husband, Karl -- playing along with my Dream Bed Game...!!
Both Jackie and Linda told me that the fragrance of the line-dried Iowa sheets was STILL THERE when the sheets arrived at the beach house in North Carolina. Somebody should bottle that scent and sell it as perfume.

Every Monday, I start my day by hanging my beautiful cotton sheets out on the line...and I end my day when I get into my freshly made bed, loving those sheets and my life....and...well...I know it's a very simple thing.  But for me -- it just doesn't get any better than this, people....

Happy Monday. 

1 comment:

  1. Lovin' the Monday Laundry Posts......;)
    Linda in Othello
