Thursday, August 27, 2015

Kids Sewing Studio

I got an email the other day from my friend Bobbi Bullard...

Dear Rita,

I've been working with some friends and after almost a year of nose to the grind stone we have a series of videos for teaching young people to sew. We feel that it's so important to get the next generation sewing. My friends have been teaching children to sew for years, and they're trying to make what they can offer available to children who don't have access to a good sewing teacher.

These videos are so detailed, they're meant for people who have never sewed before. To launch, we're offering a free webinar Thursday with tips and tricks for people who do get to teach young people to sew. Of course, at the end of the webinar we'll explain about what we're doing, but the webinar is truly informative and not an infomercial.


THANKS, Bobbi -- it sounds like a great idea!!  I've signed up to see what it's all about -- and  if you're interested -- here's the information...

the webinar information is at

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