Two weeks ago, I showed the pin-around-the-stain technique. And I had some emails telling me I should have posted the AFTER picture...!! YOU ARE RIGHT, CAROL -- AS ALWAYS...
To review -- this was how the grease stain looked at BEFORE the treatment... |
And I swear -- this is how the same shirt looked AFTER the pre-treatment. I washed it, and removed the pins. THANKS again, Sandy!! That formula worked great... |
AND -- IN THE SPIRIT OF BEFORE AND AFTER -- I am ramping up to the REALLY FUN part of my laundry room remodel...every day, I look at my plain, boring white washing machine and think about the many, many possibilities. I had so many ideas I did not know where to was paralyzing. I love words. It should have zebra stripes.
Here's my washer BEFORE...Wow. So boring. I can't believe I've put up with it for all these years.... |
Here it is, after my first ten-minute run at it. I decided to outline the word LOVE.... |
Then, a second little spurt of marker art. |
I AM LOVING THIS. I don't exactly know where it's going to end up -- but I have a pretty good idea about how I'm going to get there. Remember, my signature colors are pink and orange and blue and teal....Although, I am also very fond of yellow and a girl just cannot have enough lime green in her life....
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