Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Iowa City Lunch with Barb and Carolyn

So, then -- here's what happened NEXT....

Janet wrote about her Iowa visit with us on her Facebook page -- and then I got a message from Barb Bitetto -- saying SHE'S IN IOWA, TOO...and maybe we could meet for lunch somewhere??

I googled her location -- and we picked Iowa City as a half-way point.  I go there often to meet my young friend Anne.

Cheddar's Restaurant is about one hour for each of us.  YEAH...!!  Another day of LUNCH...
As it turns out, Barb was in Newton, Iowa for a 50th Class Reunion
Along with her sister Carolyn -- from Alaska!!
Barb and I knew each other from the Sewing and Stitchery Expo (Janet, too) -- but we never really had a chance to sit down for a one-on-one. OMG...everybody had a story, people!!

Barb and Carolyn both graduated from the American High School in Bombay, India!! YES, THAT'S RIGHT -- INDIA. Their parents met at Iowa State University...married, traveled with the job...and these two girls spent their high school years in INDIA.

The 50th Reunion was set up in Newton, Iowa, because apparently there's a nice conference center there...WHICH led us to talk about the CTA Sewing Retreat, and the wonderful conference center they go to for that (at the end of March, yes, Laura has been working on me...and you have NO IDEA how much I would love to attend....)

Of course, the day would not be complete without a little "SEW AND TELL" -- so I brought along a couple of aprons...
Barb gave me a beautiful, hand-made gift....



  1. Somehow it's going to work that you can come to Retreat!

  2. Wow! wish I would have known you were in IC last week. I could have seen you since I live in IC.
    Bonnie Rae
