Thursday, August 31, 2017

Second Friday Featherweight Day!!

During Jackie's recent visit -- we had TWO FEATHERWEIGHT FRIDAYS at the Princeton library.
At our second event, we had a FULL HOUSE...TEN in attendance. Wow!! How great is that??
Sandy with her Featherweight...
She was working on some of the rows by Row by Row. This one was ready to be laid out.
LP's shirt says: "Imagine a world where fabric is free and quilting makes you thin."
LP had TWO Row by Row quilts ready to be laid out...(please note we are taking over THE WHOLE LIBRARY at this point...we start at 9:00 AM, and it doesn't open until 2:00.  Perfect, eh?)
This could be LP's panels from the Iowa quilt shops??
I'm pretty sure this represents the Illinois shops...
Although Sharalan looks like a deer in headlights (she would hate this picture, but that's okay because she doesn't read my blog) -- please note the hallway behind her.  We used EVERY ROOM of this fabulous little small town library. 
Jackie was learning the TMBC QUILT AS YOU GO technique.  We have perfected this -- and, if I have finally taken the right pictures, I WILL BE HAPPY TO SHOW YOU how it works. 

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