I am an Iowa girl, born and raised. But I've got to say, when it comes to really DELICIOUS FOOD -- I know enough to go EAST, my friend -- GO EAST..
Even though, as a girl, I lived in a county surrounded by pig farmers -- I had to move to Pennsylvania to discover this...
A true Pennsylvania delicacy -- Fried Scrapple. |
It's hard to believe I was 22 years old before I ate my first Shoo-fly pie!! |
Again, only available in Pennsylvania...Tastykakes...I miss them every day. |
And I miss the people, too. Hey -- maybe the food is so delicious because of the people we're eating with, EH? |
AND WHO IS MAKING all those delicious pies?? THAT'S RIGHT. Kathy Keefer. Best cook in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. (according to Ross, who was their long-term houseguest when he moved to Harrisburg)... |
Kathy and I have a lot in common. Last year, we both did this...
Kathy's Hazel... |
My Frankie... |
There is more to the story...
I miss you girl!