Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Life-altering changes

My Grandparents lived from 1900 until about 1970. Grandma used to say that her generation went from riding a horse to flying in a plane. For them -- the biggest changes in their world were about transportation. When they were kids, they traveled by horse and buggy...
As young adults, they learned how to drive cars (at least, the men did).
And they lived to see their children get on airplanes to fly to Europe to fight in a war -- mostly won by more airplanes.
Those changes were ASTOUNDING.

But for my generation -- transportation hasn't changed that much. The Jetson's were wrong about space travel -- and even the Concorde didn't work out...

So -- what have been the biggest changes for MY generation? I think it's how we get information. Holy Cow. When I look back at how we used to learn things...it is mind boggling. In 1996, I was writing the book, "Life is not a Dress Size" -- and I had to physically go to a library to do research to look for facts or figures. Now, any fact, any story, any odd ball thing I want to learn about or verify -- I just Google it on my PHONE.

I've gotta say -- I didn't see it coming. It strikes me that the changes that affected my grandparents were about very BIG THINGS. Automobiles and airplanes. But the changes that most impact my life -- computers, cellphones, the capability to communicate and get information no matter where I am or what I'm doing -- at all hours of the day and night -- would fit into the palm of my hand.

Even more amazing -- the thing that makes it all possible -- the internet -- isn't something I can see or hold. It's not even a material thing...

I do wonder about the changes that will most impact OUR children's lives... 

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