Monday, December 21, 2020

The Rita Rule

Here's something I've been thinking about... 

I used to be THAT GIRL. The one everybody envied, y'know. 

Hell -- when I go back to read MY OWN BLOG -- I think that girl's life is a dream come true. 

Married to the same man for 50 years.  A good provider who doesn't smoke, drink, gamble or womanize.  She has a job she enjoys, working with interesting people all over the world.  She lives in a cozy paid-for home in a quiet small town.  Her wonderful siblings are THERE FOR HER -- and her two grown boys are both contributing members of society.  She has great friends, hobbies she enjoys and her two adorable grandchildren live so nearby, she gets to see them every week.

Anybody would WANT TO BE THAT GIRL...

Here's the thing about writing a personal blog.  You get to do a lot of heavy editing.

As it happens -- that's also the way I live my actual real life.  

I choose to focus on the good things.  I don't dwell on the things that don't work out for me...or the stuff I can't control.  When bad stuff happens -- when people disappoint me or piss me off -- I bitch it out THREE TIMES and then I MOVE ON....I really do just LET IT GO....and try never to speak of it again.

It's the main Rita's Rule.   This rule-of-three has worked for me for a very, very long time.

So -- now -- Alzheimer's.  Ugh.

And, even with some heavy editing -- I am no longer the girl you wanna be...

I'm gonna need some new rules...


  1. I try to avoid using platitudes, trite remarks, and over-used comments and phrases when hearing about tough situations. Like you, I tend to find the positive in everything. I wish I could find the right words for you. I hope you are still able to find something positive in every day. Hugs

  2. Rita, you didn't let a dress size define who you are and you won't let Alzheimer's either. You go girl! We're here and we're reading and we're listening. Your blog may not be the stage at Sew Expo and many of us are not the sewing celebrities you hung out with, but you have a show and the audience is just as real and important. Find the humor in the moment as always. Hugs and blessings!
