Friday, December 25, 2020

2020 Christmas Day

When my oven quit working on December 23 -- I thought that would be the final crappy thing that would happen to end this very crappy 2020.  
Determined --  I instantly kicked into PROBLEM SOLVING mode...and ordered a new stove from a local appliance dealer.  They actually OFFERED TO DELIVER it on Christmas Eve..
But, the reality of that -- while planning a 5:00 Christmas Eve dinner -- seemed unrealistic.

Realizing the BURNERS still work fine -- and I also have a 30" flattop grill in my kitchen -- I revamped the menu.  Instead of a giant ham -- we'll have surf and turf.  John and I went to the grocery store Christmas Eve morning to buy steaks and shrimp. 

At 4:00 Christmas Eve, as I was boiling the shrimp, my sister Deena delivered the cheesy hashbrowns. And the very bad news that Ronda's husband, Dean, had just fallen down the basement stairs. 
The ambulance was still at their house.  (Ronda and Dean live about a mile from me). 
At 5:00,  Dean was taken to the local hospital. They assessed his injury.  He broke his back, but could move his legs. His spinal cord is intact -- but he needs surgery.

They took him by ambulance to Iowa City (an hour away) at 1:00 AM.  (Iowa City is home to University of Iowa Hospitals).  Their daughter, Nicole,  followed the ambulance (both times) -- Ronda and her other daughter, Amy,  went soon after.

However, the Iowa City Ortho surgeon said because Dean is still recovering from Covid, his lungs would not tolerate the surgery. So they will fit him with a brace, and reassess in 4 weeks.

Dean is in terrible pain. Ronda and the girls came home this morning so Amy and Nicole could do Christmas with their kids. Dean is allowed one visitor from 1-3 each day.

Nicole is taking Ronda back this afternoon (Christmas Day).


  1. Darn!
    (I had a more appropriate choice of word, but google is being all prim and proper and kept changing it)
    Wishing your entire family and extended family a boring, uneventful New Year.

  2. You and your family have truly had a horrible year!! Praying that 2021 is soooo very much better!! Hoping for some "Ritaluck" soon. ❤🙏

  3. Oh My Goodness, Tell Deanna I am thinking of her and her DH. Sending Hugs and Prayers. Small world- Deanna and I graduated together in '75 (I was a Gertz)
    2020 has been the worst year ever. So ready for it to end. But by then we will have my MIL living in our Dining Room! Until it is safe to move her to a care facility. :(
    Sending more prayers and hugs to you and yours.

  4. Oh my gosh! Prayers going our for you and all your family.
