Saturday, December 19, 2020

Kids and Christmas Trees

 As the kids were decorating the tree...Lilly was giving Warren LOTS of orders...

"Warren -- put some of the ornaments higher on the tree. Warren -- make sure to decorate the back of the tree, too. Warren -- don't put all the blue things together. Warren -- SPREAD THEM OUT..."

She was being quite a bully, when I gently said, "Lilly -- lighten up. Although you may not remember it -- the year you were THREE -- before there was a Warren -- you decorated the tree all by yourself, and there were maybe 6 ornaments -- all on the lower 12" of the tree. And I never told you to do it any differently. That's just the way our tree looked that year."

Lilly said, "There are TWO things you should remember,Grandma...

FIRST of all -- I WAS THREE.

SECONDLY (pointing to Warren) -- HE'S NOT."


Apparently -- two hours is the limit for Christmas tree decorating.  At 5:00, both kids were sound asleep...




  1. Eldest girl child and bossines seem to go hand and hand. She's destined for a management career. I'm an eldest too ;-)

    1. THAT FIGURES..!! I am also the eldest girl child...and now that you mention it -- when I look back I do see this pattern. Hey -- somebody's gotta run the world, Laura!!
