Monday, November 3, 2014

Laundry Monday: The Magic of Vinegar

Last week, one woman wrote and said I mostly told her how NOT to use her clothes

I USE MY CLOTHES DRYER every day. Just not in the way the manufacturer recommends...

And, I inspired at least three women to hang clotheslines in their basement...and they have already thanked me. Everything will last longer with my method -- your laundry AND your dryer!!

Writing laundry blogs every Monday makes me feel like we are sharing THIS....

Janet wrote to tell me she's waiting for me to write about laundry soaps, detergent, etc.

Surprisingly -- I don't have a strong opinion about the actual products. I believe everybody has made their choice for a reason. What works for me (Cheer) may not necessarily work for you...or maybe somebody is allergic, or you love the smell of Tide.

I have no way to test these products against one anything I tell you is simply one woman's opinion.  Although I have a strong opinion on just about everything -- I believe the manufacturers have spent millions to develop their products and your reasons for choosing one over another are personal and valid. 

But, for today -- here's the take-away. Anna Moseley wrote about the use of vinegar in her blog -- and I agree with everything she said. I also like her whitening idea -- and intend to try that myself.

Fabric Softener
To soften clothes, and prevent lint from sticking to them, add 1 cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle.
Odor Remover
To remove odors from clothes add 1 cup of vinegar to the load of laundry
Stain Remover
To remove preexisting stains preteat with a mixture of 3 TBS white vinegar, 2 TBS liquid detergent and 4 cups of warm water. Rub the mixture into the stain, and then wash as normal.
Prevent Color Fading
To prevent color fading add 1 cup of white vinegar to the wash cycle.
Prevent Color Bleeding
To prevent new clothes from bleeding, soak it in a few cups of undiluted white vinegar for 10-15 minutes and then wash as normal.
To whiten dingy whites add 1 cup of white vinegar to 5 cups of water. Bring to a boil, remove it from the heat and add your dingy white clothes to it. Soak them over night and then wash them as normal.
Re-shape Shrunken Clothes
To reshape, or resize shrunken wool clothes, soak shrunken clothes in a solution of 1 part vinegar and 2 parts water for 25 minutes. After 25 minutes resize the item of clothing and then let it air dry.
To kill bacteria in the laundry add 1 cup of vinegar to the wash cycle.

Here's a link to her blog:  Ask Anna


This week, we'll be getting ready for winter.Ugh. I have never enjoyed my clotheslines more...which means I'll miss them more, too

My days are full of children right now....
And I KNOW WHAT A BLESSING that is....

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