My last library post left the three of us on top of the building. On our way down -- who could resist those beautiful outdoor stairs...

We ran into this bride -- won't that be a special wedding album??

You know how much I enjoy a good message...whether it's on a t-shirt or carved into the side of a building. This rock wall says, "
Culture is a pyramid to which each of us brings a stone."

After walking down the graceful stairs -- we turned to see THIS view of the back of the library building...

Of course, the grounds are also spectacular...

There were thousands of people in Salt Lake City for the International Quilt Market. We came from all over the country and we all worked hard. Vendors, quilt shop owners, teachers, fabric designers, etc. It's exhausting...I KNOW, I KNOW...
But -- if you were there and didn't take an hour out of your week to visit the Salt Lake City library...
Well -- you missed having a really spectacular moment. That's all I'm sayin'....
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