We started in the library -- here's Parker, fake-reading a book...

On our way to the actual "adventure" -- we stopped off to see THE NEWEST ADDITION to the family. My niece Kelcy just gave birth to her second child...a baby girl named Myla Joyce.

My mother's name was Joyce...she sooo would have loved this picture...and these two beautiful children....

After a little cooing over the baby -- Parker and I went out for supper. THEN we ended up at the Showboat in Clinton, Iowa.

It was opening night for the musical, "Alter Boyz"...

Now see -- THIS IS WHY you don't tell them where you're going!! It was Parker's first musical production, and I'm afraid it was on the south side of awesome.
But that really wasn't the point, y'know...
The best part of this day, for me, was having a real conversation with a soon-to-be-young-adult. It really feels like just yesterday, Parker was an adorable toddler getting Ritz bits out of my cabinet...and now he's on the launch pad of adulthood...
Remember what you were thinking when you were 13 years old?? Although he doesn't know it -- Parker is starting to make up his mind about who he's going to be and what he's going to do.
Good job, Nicole and Bill...he's a terrific kid...thanks for sharing...
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