HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JACKIE. Once again -- you are now just as old as I am.
We grew up together -- we were girls, then newlyweds, then young Mom's...and with any luck -- we'll grow old together!
And we have lots of new adventures to look forward to. Every time I go to New York City -- I think of our trips there together. The Metropolitan Museum...we could never forget that visit....

St. Patrick's Cathedral...

We had such wonderful times -- visiting all those places. Seeing new things. A couple of farm girls from Iowa...and WE LOVED IT ALL.

One of the core wisdoms of my life came from that day at Penn Station. Remember? We were there on time...we were sure of it..on the right track, we were kinda sure of it. But the train never came. We waited...and waited...our Iowa optimism kept us standing at that place on the track for a very long time...when, finally, an exasperated train porter snarled at us, "That train has left the station. Quit talking about that train."
We laughed so hard -- and I loved those words so much, I painted them on the back of the door in the guest bedroom...and every time I see it, I remember the two of us, standing on the platform at Penn Station...

For me, the wisdom is you've gotta know when it's time to move on. And there is power in that...I like to think neither one of us has spent too much time standing on a platform... waiting for a train that has already left the station....
Even though you ARE JUST LITTLE WOMAN (that's a private joke, people) -- I hope you have a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY today, Jackie. I want you to know that we miss you here in Iowa and we are looking forward to your next visit.
We're long overdue for a COUSINS PARTY...
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