If you have never visited Salt Lake City -- YOU SHOULD GO!! It is a beautiful city -- and you already know they have FABULOUS restaurants...
When asking some "locals" about finding a good restaurant -- one woman told us about the Copper Onion -- then said be sure to "visit the library". After our fabulous dinner, Rhonda, Soni and I walked over to the Salt Lake City Library.
None of us expected to find this. The building is stunning -- even from a block away...

As we approach the front door -- you can see all the people inside -- on all those levels...

It becomes even more spectacular once you get inside the building. Even the staircase is a work of art...

There are many interesting little shops all around the outside of the core library itself. Now that I know my nephew Parker is interested in becoming an architect -- I wish I could take him to see this stunning building...

Once you get to the top of the building -- you are rewarded with THIS VIEW...

The three of us got our cameras out. It was breath-taking.

If the measure of a city is the quality and variety of it's restaurants -- Salt Lake City is a TEN. And if the measure of a city is the size and uniqueness of it's public library -- Salt Lake City is a TWENTY.
Stunning. Simply stunning...
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