Saturday, October 3, 2020

October 2019

I LOVE OCTOBER. I always is my absolute favorite month of the year.

But --the other day, I was feeling a little blue....and, WONDERING WHAT I COULD BLOG ABOUT?? 

Which is an unusual problem for me. I often write this blog five or six days in advance. 

Why was I feeling sad?  Is it the thought of winter coming?  The ongoing pandemic?  The 200,000 dead Americans?  I dunno...

 So -- I went back to my pictures from October 2019.  One year ago.  PRE-COVID 19.... looking for some inspiration. 

I spent a wonderful hour looking at those pictures...and there was a message.....


Every single thing I was doing last year -- that brought me GREAT still possible this year!!

Sure, there are a few new limitations, and a LOT of new facemasks...but I can visit with friends, take Lilly and Warren on adventures, bake cakes, make popovers, have porch parties, celebrate up north to see the leaves...

The people I love are ALL HEALTHY...KNOCK ON WOOD...we are so lucky to have the lives we have.  I need to just GET OVER MYSELF...

I should paint that on a bathroom

I need to get busy planning our 50th Wedding Anniversary!!