Thursday, October 29, 2020

Halloween 2020!!

This weekend is officially HALLOWEEN -- and I'm happy to say the kids are going to be able to do their traditional trick-or-treating. And they are thrilled...We'll see how it goes.

For one thing, it's not like anybody actually has to TOUCH a trick or treater...just hold out the bowl, and let them reach in and get their own piece of wrapped candy. duh.

And -- really -- if anybody is afraid of the virus coming into their house, they don't have to turn on their outdoor light....everybody understands that code...

Princeton won't have their normal Halloween parade...and they also won't be hosting the party at the community center.

So, like most towns and cities in America -- there won't be any large Halloween gatherings this year...and that seems like good old common sense. (Which, I've gotta say, I find is all too UNCOMMON nowadays.)

Lilly and Warren have been back to school full-time, five days a week since August. All the children wear masks, and there are many new rules and protocols to keep the grades separated. I have been surprised by how quickly kids adjusted to masks and social distancing. 

I don't think the kids will miss the big group part of Halloween. It seems to me it has become more and more about the COSTUMES. They both LOVE dressing up, and pretending...

And, in case you missed the memo -- the new headquarters for CREATIVE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES is your local Goodwill Store!!

We've been stopping in every weekend for a month or so -- both Warren and Lilly are SO EXCITED about their Halloween Costumes. I figured why stop at just one?

Lilly found another pair of vintage high-waisted jeans -- and she decorated them with the same permanent markers we used to decorate the bathroom floor tiles...
Although, she found them on the Halloween rack -- they quickly became her favorite jeans...
The Goodwill store has ALL KINDS OF STUFF...
Lots of new items, too...
Warren loved this shark costume...
He wore it around the house for the last two weekends.
I had to make some adjustments so it would work (like, it was a size 5 -- and he wears a size 10)...

 It was the least I could do, as these kids know full-well -- sewing is my Grandma Super-Power!!


  1. this year my kids are going as a plague doctor and a witch. Very on point! LOL Even if there is not a single house with a light on we are going to walk in the (very) cold night under the full moon! I have picked up some great costumes at goodwill. the only thing I made was the beaky mask!

  2. Being creative with costumes is a heck of a lot more fun than buying an overpriced prepackaged one that's just like everyone else's.
