Tuesday, April 7, 2020


One of the BEST gifts I received for my VBP was a photo album from Rhonda Pierce.

Oh, My Soul...!!   We have done some REALLY GOOD WORK together over the years...

And that involved many exciting trips.  This album reminded me of some of those wonderful times...

Yes, I am a lucky, lucky girl..


Rhonda's album was a very special gift for me.  Especially right now, when we're all feeling so imprisoned.  It was wonderful to look back at all the places we've been...I have looked at it many times, and it brings such joy to my brain...

And here's the thing.

YOU CAN DO THIS, TOO. How many pictures do you currently have on your phone?  Or, like me, on your laptop?  Take a look -- then SEND THEM to the people who are in those pictures.

Hey, I don't understand the technology of doing a Google Album -- but I'm pretty sure YouTube will help you figure it out.

And chances are -- you have the time...


P.S. If you don't have those Google skills -- my advice is to go to Walgreen's.com.  

Walgreen's does a great job with digital photos.  You can upload an "album" -- and use their software to put together an entire book.  Maybe a look back on a vacation -- your last visit to New York City -- or that Alaska cruise you took five years ago.  Or, you can go OLD SCHOOL -- and just print the pictures.  Send a big package to somebody you love -- reminding them of better times.  (yes, we're talking snail mail here.)


  1. Wonderful pictures! So very cool! I like seeing your frankensewing clothes. Really neat clothes! The whole album is just super and amazing! Stay healthy and safe.🎵💐🌺🌱🥀

  2. This photo album is filled with smiles and joy - I love it!

  3. I enjoyed your smiling faces Thanks....gonna find my pics with you & Rhonda! I have a few....somewhere!
