North Scott Families Social Distance Photos
Honestly...even during this very, very, very bad time...some good things are happening!!
I've been spending a lot of time looking for one particular picture. Which I feared was lost forever. THEN I remembered the old blog I used to write for the Sewing and Stitchery Expo....AND THERE IT WAS -- Sandra, with her fabulous umbrella!! And John Deer, and Rhonda Pierce, giving her the prize she won:
Here's the blog post, exactly as I wrote it -- for the show blog -- back in the day...
In 2009, we had a Sew Expo design contest. John Deere developed some embroidery designs -- and the projects were amazing. One of our favorites -- Sandra -- made this awesome umbrella. In this picture, with John Deere and Rhonda Pierce of Schmetz needles...receiving her prize...

Fast Forward. I got bit by the Zebra bug...and I was writing about it all the time. In 2010, Ann Sagawa gave me my favorite Zebra watch and a Zebra purse...and SHE had a zebra manicure!!

The most amazing KARMA "zebra gift" story is about a zebra book I received at the 2011 Sewing and Stitchery Expo. I was rushing from one building to another (yes, I am capable of rushing -- in short spurts). Umbrella Sandra was in a class, and she surprised me with a zebra journal. PERFECT -- right?? Shockingly -- London actually took this picture at the MOMENT Sandra was giving me the zebra book. You can see the top of her head...I didn't even realize I HAD this picture...

Remember -- Sandra gave me the zebra book at the 2011 Sew Expo in Puyallup. I had no idea where Sandra lived. And she could have had no idea that I'd be using the Zebra book when I attended the 2011 Spring Quilt Market two months later -- in Salt Lake City...
Well -- guess what? Sandra LIVES IN Salt Lake City. And -- furthermore -- she CAME TO QUILT MARKET...
I was working in the Schmetz booth when Sandra came up to say "hello"...and I SHOWED HER THE ZEBRA BOOK...

I am telling you. It's the magic of the Zebra stripes...!! Karma is a wonderful thing...
Your niece Kelcy is very creative - the porch pictures are so special! Also love the zebra karma story. Have a happy week, Rita.