Saturday, October 6, 2018


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARY!! Hey -- one more year with NO BIRTHDAY CARD FROM ME. Sorry. Of course, you know by now that I am the WORST when it comes to being thoughtful about people's birthdays...and I cannot remember the last time I actually bought a gift and got it to somebody on time. Ugh. It is one of my major shortccomings...It's right up there with my inability to do housework or pass up a good thrift store bargain.

So, I decided to post some pictures of some of the good times we've had. Some you will remember. But I'm pretty sure you've never seen many of these...

I'm sure there are other people out there who have wonderful friends and enjoy traveling and spending time with them. But I'd like to say NOBODY DOES IT BETTER THAN WE DO, Mary.

I vividly remember the wonderful Viking trip we took to Sweden and Norway. (has it been 20 years ago?) I weighed over 300 pounds at the time, and it was a very hot day...and we were walking up a long hill to get to some Norwegian Museum. I thought I would die....and, even though you were trying to walk very, very slow, I could not keep up with you. My feet hurt, and I could hardly get a breath...when I spotted a bench about a block away. As I gratefully landed on that bench....I looked at you (all cool and relaxed) and said, "you look like you could walk to Peoria..."

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