Yes, it is BEAUTIFUL in Salt Lake City, Utah. I was there last week for the Spring Quilt Market...and the weather could NOT have been more beautiful.

AND -- just for the record -- this was the best looking hamburger I ever saw anybody eat. Rhonda DID share...and the crispy potatoes were just as good as they look!

THIS is how they roll in Salt Lake City. The benches on the street are actually made out of metal..and I could not resist...

BEFORE I left the house, I had to get this treasure out of the car...just in case Emily and Lilly came for a visit while I was gone. Remember the little bee chair?? SOO CUTE...

Right now, I'm in the 2012 Sewing & Stitchery Expo planning meeting in Puyallup, Washington.
By the end of the week, I hope to post pictures of some RHODIES...the most beautiful flowers in the world. No doubt about it...
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