Saturday, October 16, 2021

Our Wisconsin Anniversary Weekend!!

Hey -- TIME FLIES when you're having fun, eh??

I have SO MUCH to report on...and  I hope to do a full update this week.

But, here are the highlights...

Our 51st wedding anniversary is October 17th.  We usually take a drive up to Wisconsin.

This year, there was something VERY SPECIAL happening in Beaver Dam.  Here's the link: 


So -- OH YES, I have so much to tell you!!


  1. The gang is back together! Looking forward to reading about the fun!

  2. First, congratulations on 51 years! We're tagging behind you (will be 48 years next May).

    Second, how wonderful!! Wish I could have been there, too. So great to see you and Mary and Rhonda together again!! I'm sure the visitors to the new store were thrilled to see you all, too!! Big hellos to Mary and Rhonda from me!!
