Monday, October 11, 2021

Back to my Franken-Chair

The auction is OVER..!! And i cannot tell you what a good feeling it is to get rid of SO MUCH STUFF..!! And I feel like I did the best I could do with all those treasures...

I am absolutely delighted that so many things will be finding new homes, where they'll be appreciated and loved...THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING...and bidding...and congratulations if you were the WINNING bidder.

The next big job in my ongoing effort to downsize is to clear out the garage. Ugh. But I really don't want to bore you with that...

Not yet, anyway...ugh...

Instead -- it must be time for a FRANKENCHAIR UPDATE!!

To review -- I was pretty happy with this part...

I decided to use this IKEA fabric for the back...

Things were coming along pretty good...when I remembered my THREE GREAT RED LIGHT, maybe I should incorporate a bit of red into this chair. Hummm...

I went to the fabric store to buy a yard of red...altho I had NO IDEA what I would do with it...

well, I could just add a circle...??

Yeah -- that's a good start. 

I was well on my way to making the SEAT of the chair -- using my original fabrics...

But then -- when I laid the new seat on the chair -- with the new back -- it all looked too busy...
I decided to add a big piece of red to tone it down...
But the question is -- where should the red triangle go?
This looks like a winner...
Maybe the red is better on the front of the seat..?


  1. Design #1. Would win top design prize in any MOMA or MFA juried exhibition

  2. Your chair is looking amazing! You are so creative & talented. I like the 2nd design. The one with red triangle to the back. Actually the 2nd or 3rd design looks great. I'm happy that your auction went well. Take care. 🍁🍂🎃

  3. I like the red on the front of the seat. Plus, any spills are more likely to be there than the back (All. That. White.!), and you could even splice in another piece if you absolutely had to. The chair is coming along nicely, though, and adding the red really does help!

    I can't wait until I get my (mailed) auction items! If I had thought about it after church and checked, I might have gotten one other item, but, oh well, I'm thrilled with the things I did win!! Thanks for collecting all these goodies thru the years, Rita, and for sharing with us!!

  4. What happens with the auction items that didn't sell? Just curious about the whole process.

    1. the unsold items go to a local charity. And I'm happy that sooner or later, all this treasure will find a new home!!
