Monday, November 8, 2021

The Final Countdown...


Our time is running out in this house. And as the days get SHORTER -- and the weather gets COLDER -- I feel a big pressure to make every day here count.

So, this summer and fall -- I've had many porch parties.  Every Monday, when Carrie comes, she asks "who's coming this week?" 

The final TMBC porch party was bittersweet.  And when the MDF girls came for our last porch hurrah, I showed them the floor plan of our new home. 

When the TMBC came in September -- I made Popovers...

John's Navy buddy from Chicago came for a day (with doughnuts)

Linda and Jackie came for the Frankenchair unveiling.

It was too cold to eat out on the porch for my last sister's dinner...

After we ate, we went to the basement so they could get a preview of some of my new decor.

I rarely cook a meal for myself and John anymore.  So, I enjoy planning a menu when somebody is coming over.  When Jackie and Linda came for the Franchair-swivel-chair Reveal...I bought pizza... 

I've been having my sisters over for supper once a month or so.  Last week, when Deb was in town (from Tennessee),  I cooked a homemade chicken pot pie for that special occasion.,,,with a Butterfinger Pie for dessert (you ARE gonna want that recipe).

Every Sunday, I write a journal entry to myself...well -- more about that coming up, I think.


  1. Mmmmm Butterfinger Pie, Husbands favrite candy bar is Butterfinger I think I may need that recipe!

  2. Oh, yes, Butterfinger Pie recipe for me, too, please! Sounds wonderful!! Praying for you and John as you make this big move.
