Saturday, November 27, 2021

2021 Thanksgiving

My niece Amy invited us to her home, butI was determined to cook the meal myself for our last Thanksgiving in this house...

But cooking a turkey is a lot like taking a ride in a dog sled -- I just don't do it often enough to be confident.  So,for insurance, i also purchased a turkey breast.

I got out the very large aluminum roaster my mother-in-law gave me for a wedding shower -- over 50 years ago...

I split the turkey breast, and it was finished in an hour. BINGO! Now, I have my back-up turkey meat, just in case the big bird doesn't get done in time.

I set the table with Aunt Rozella's silver

I worked all morning, in my favorite Mary Mulari apron

And I LOVE LOVE, LOVE setting the table with my good dishes.
Holy Cow! We really did a number on that turkey!!  Although we didn't cut up the extra breast for our dinner, I was glad I also cooked it -- because, without that, there would have been NO LEFTOVERS...

I was acutely aware that this was our last Thanksgiving in this house. And maybe that's the gift of old age. When I was younger, I never understood those "last" they mostly flew by, without me even knowing I just missed something important. 

Like -- when was the last time I read a story to my boys when I put them to bed, or the last time I saw Elliott pitch a Little League baseball game...or the last time my Mom and Dad would eat a meal at my house?

Oh, moves pretty fast.  And Thanksgiving is a good time to push the pause button and take stock of where you've been, and where you're going.  

And I am grateful.  


  1. Your Thanksgiving dinner looks like it was lovely, Rita; I'm so glad you have this special "last" to remember!

    You are so right, about those "last" moments. You don't usually know that the "last" time you did something or saw someone would actually be the LAST time you did that. (When was the last time I held my son in my lap, for instance? He's 46 now, and 6' tall! I can assure you it was quite some time ago!)

  2. Bittersweet day. With MIL's advanced age & failing health we had to wonder, We this a last?
    Now, this coming year will be full of first. (In your wonderful new home)
