Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Lift Chair Special Delivery

It's taken me three posts to get to the best part of this Good Deed.

I paid Karen $50 for the chair, and we headed over to Valerie's house. I've had a key to Val's house for over 20 years...but, that key was in my car and we were driving Deena's truck.

No worries -- I've been to Val's house (to get her clothes) since she went to the nursing home -- and the front door wasn't locked (just in case she has to call 911).

Unfortunately -- when we arrived -- the front door was locked. Ugh. And I didn't have a key...

So, there was nothing left for us to do except to BREAK IN. Chad found a window that wasn't properly locked -- so WE SENT IN THE nimble 12-year old...

Deena took this picture...because I knew, one day, Val would get a kick out of this story...

Avery opened the door -- and Chad and Deena got the chair into the living room

THEN, we removed Val's old chair, and I took my little crew out for breakfast. We delivered the old chair to a local charity. 

The next day, when Valerie's son, Michael,  brought her home, he helped her into the house and she saw this wonderful new chair (the instruction pamphlet was on the seat, in its original plastic bag).  

She was in instant tears.  She said, "Oh, Mike -- you shouldn't have!  I don't want you spending your money on me!!" 

Not skipping a beat -- Mike said -- "Nothing's too good for my Mom..."


Mike took the credit for just a nanosecond...then, he said, " wasn't me.  It had to be Rita."


  1. WOW, that is a lovely color too. What a wonderful/thoughtful gift. Way to go breaking in, LOL Everyone NEEDS a Rita in there life <3

  2. If we all had one friend like you the world would be a much better place! I aspire to be as good a friend as you are! Blessings to you!!!
