Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Veteran's Day 2020

It's Veteran's Day.

There are many ways to honor our veterans...and I'm sure most of you do that whenever you can.

Here's something you might not have considered. My husband, John, a Navy veteran, wears a baseball cap that has the name of the submarine he served on. (604 -- the Haddo). He is always very happy when somebody notices his hat and says, "thank you for your service". And many people do...

But there have only been two occasions when somebody actually took the time to sit down and ask him about his service. The first time, John was eating alone at Brother's, his favorite breakfast joint. A young man came over, shook his hand, thanked him, and said, "would it be okay if I sat with you?"...and John had a long conversation about his time on submarines.

The second time was two weeks ago -- when we were having breakfast at the Village Inn. The man who came over was a retired Admiral...and John was THRILLED to talk to him about his time in the Navy.

Here's my point. The next time you see an elderly gentleman wearing a baseball cap that proclaims the unit he served on, or the ship he was on -- you should think of that as an invitation to start a conversation. Consider it your good deed for the day...

Of course, we're in the middle of a pandemic, and maybe the old guys aren't getting out and about that much this year...

So -- think about the veteran's you KNOW...who might be sitting at home this year...feeling a little forgotten or left out...Your Grandpa or your Father in Uncle who lives in another state...

Go old school...CALL THEM ON THE PHONE...and when you thank them for their service, ask them about it.

You might be surprised...and I know your Veteran will be delighted....

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