Monday, November 2, 2020

Halloween and Candy...

Halloween is SUCH A BIG DEAL for kids. It has obviously surpassed Christmas as the #1 Children's Favorite Holiday.

And I get it. What's not to love?

They get to dress up, pretend they're a Superhero or a Princess....they get to walk around AT NIGHT....and visit houses they would NEVER BE ALLOWED to go to at any other time... Some of them even have parents who dress up as well...and they go to actual parties -- with games and activities...all JUST FOR FUN. There's no deep meaning or religious's all about PLAYING...and PRETENDING...

And then -- well -- THERE'S ALL THAT CANDY...!!

Just DECIDING on a costume takes an entire delightful month or so...

Did you know they have costumes that blow up?

I thought this little girl was a unicorn -- but she corrected me. She was  a "Uni-Lama"

Warren LOVED the scary clown that lights up!

When you look at it from a kid's point of view -- Halloween is a much more straight-forward, enjoyable holiday.

Honestly -- so many other major holidays are confusing to kids.  Take Easter, for example.  Is it about Jesus dying on the cross?  And then rising up from the dead?  Or is it about the Easter Bunny?

And don't even get me started on Christmas.  Is it about Jesus' birthday?  Or is it about a big guy named Santa Claus who brings presents?

How is a kid supposed to make sense of all that?

 I'm just saying...Halloween has been gaining ground ever since I was a kid.  

And I think the ghoul gang is winning...


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