Thursday, November 12, 2020

My November Reset Button...

November has always been one of my favorite months of the year. The beautiful Fall leaves...all that turkey and pumpkin pie...

And, after my 2016 November Fat Camp experience -- it somehow became my MONTH TO RESET.  Reconsider...rewind...

In 2017, I was lucky enough to be able to go to Florida for a second round...

Then, in 2018, Mary Mulari, Rhonda Pierce and Deanna Springer came to Iowa and we created our own S.E.W Retreat....

At the time, I hoped we were starting a new annual tradition...

But then -- life happened. That "first" SEW Retreat may be our "only" SEW Retreat.


There were so many wonderful lessons from that Retreat....

1. Spending a whole week with friends is the best medicine in the world.

2. SEWING all day, and then SEWING into the night is the most zen thing I can do.

3. NOT HAVING TO WORRY about what I was going to eat was life-changing.


#3 on that learning list has been HUGE for me. Until went to Fat Camp in Florida (2016) -- I really had no idea how much time and energy I spent each and every day thinking about, then planning, shopping and cooking food. Not to mention the clean-up afterwards. Ugh.

It is such a luxury to have somebody else worry about what I should eat....and  I loved every single meal I was served at Fat Camp. And, at the 2018 SEW Retreat -- Sister Margaret told us she was not good in the kitchen -- but I enjoyed every meal she served us.

Turkey meatballs over spaghetti squash with navy beans and grapes sounds like something I would never put together.  It was delicious.

So -- here's the thing.  November is my personal month to RESET....and, for reasons beyond my control, there won't be a trip to Florida this year...or any kind of Fat Camp that involves a group of people coming from all parts of the country...or, even a reunion of a small group of friends...It would be impossible for me to be away from home for a week.


But -- NOT TO WORRY.  Because I HAVE A PLAN...and I'm pretty excited about it.

Next Wednesday (November 18) will be the official launch....and the timing is perfect...

1 comment:

  1. Six days to wait.... Did you know that Mark Lipinski has started a Sewing Together on Zoom thing on Tuesdays? Check out his FB about it. He's done it twice now. I haven't joined in yet, as I am getting myself together and walking with Mom during that time. Darn East/West time difference.
